Discover your Creative Superpower

Jul 20, 2022
Your Creative Superpower
Most creatives are multi-passionate and are taught that focus is the only way to achieve success. But unfortunately, many people think this means they must choose just one thing at the expense of all their other passions. 

Is it any wonder we all struggle with analysis paralysis or shiny object syndrome?

Feeling forced to make this choice either leads to procrastination (because choosing is hard) or analysis paralysis because so much is riding on this choice, not to mention the guilt you're feeling because of your inability to choose.

If you do finally manage to "choose" something, you're never quite sure if you made the "right" choice. So you second-guess your choices and flit between anything that interests you. Ultimately shiny objects become even more distracting because you can't help but wonder if maybe something new or different is the answer?

"It is important to identify what our Creative Superpower is because it gives our life purpose and is ultimately something we can share with others and make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others"—Dominique Falla

For years, I struggled with both analysis paralysis and shiny object syndrome. I constantly struggled to focus on one creative project at a time. I would feel scattered and overwhelmed and never knew if I was following the right path, so I followed them all.

Then I discovered my unique Creative Superpower using the Japanese Ikigai method, and everything changed. Now I help other confused creatives uncover their creative superpower, and I have never been so focused or had such clarity. I firmly believe everyone has a unique creative superpower comprising their skills, experiences, gifts and talents.

Whether you suffer from analysis paralysis, or shiny object syndrome (or both), either one is exhausting and demoralising and will keep you stuck. Unfortunately, so many confused creatives are trapped in this cycle, and years can go by without making any progress towards a goal.

Follow these 9 steps to help you discover your Creative Superpower

STEP ONE: Cast your vision

Establish a vision for your Creative Superpower. Visualise all the wonderful things you could be doing in five years if you were to wave a magic wand today and step into your true creative purpose? What would life look like? How would it feel?

STEP TWO: What are you sure of right now?

In your years of creative exploration, you have undoubtedly made discoveries and found things that felt right. What are you sure of now that needs to be part of your creative calling moving forward?

STEP THREE: What don't you know yet?

There will also be gaps in your knowledge and your confidence. What are some new areas you'd still like to explore and discover? What don't you know yet but would like to learn or experience?

STEP FOUR: What are you good at?

The skills and experiences you have developed so far in your life leave a unique footprint and trace a path that you can follow into the future. By examining what you are naturally good at, what you have learned so far, and what you would like to be known for, you can discover your Creative Superpower.

STEP FIVE: What do you love?

By examining what you are passionate about, why you are drawn to learn more about particular topics, and what your guiding mission is, you can unlock the purpose of your Creative Superpower.

STEP SIX: What does the world need from you?

By examining who you can help, who you have learned from, who you can help and who can help you share your message, you can enhance your Creative Superpower. So start asking who you can help with your particular set of gifts?

STEP SEVEN: In what ways can you be paid for your passions?

By examining how you can communicate your message, deliver value and position yourself as an expert in your niche, you can discover how to leverage your Creative Superpower and turn it into a business, side hustle, or career.

STEP EIGHT: Try it on for size

Your Creative Superpower might feel strange at first. However, it should excite and possibly scare you. Try on your new "superhero costume" for a while, and wear it for a week to see how it feels.

STEP NINE: Test and iterate

If your Creative Superpower feels right, you should move forward with it straight away. Put it into action and develop a business, side hustle, or career idea that makes the best use of your gifts.

So that's it for the steps. Imagine you were 100% confident in your creative calling. Think how easy your decisions would become if you had steadfast and unwavering confidence in your creative purpose.

How different would your life be if you could harness your Creative Superpower?

I hope this simple four-step process helps you combine the power of your unique attributes into one Creative Superpower instead of choosing one of your passions at the expense of others.

I am developing an affordable self-study course that comes with four free coaching sessions. I will walk you through the four stages of the process to discover your Creative Superpower, why you have it, who it will help, and how you can get paid for it.

Click here to add your name to the waitlist if you want help starting your creative business on the right foot.


1. Summon the Content Genie → The Content Genie™ is my easy-to-use framework, tool, and workshop that teaches you how to create better weekly content consistently. And the best part? It repurposes the content for you instantly!! Only $27

2. Creative Funnel Formula  → This self-study course takes you step-by-step through building your first opt-in (or sales) funnel. Use the code: SPARKS for a 40% discount

3. Funnelancing → Schedule a one-hour virtual Zoom session with Dominique to review your business segment, discuss specific strategies, or set business goals. Book your one-hour session here.


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