10. Clear your creative blocks

Aug 24, 2020

EPISODE 10: One of the biggest obstacles you will face when embarking on any self-improvement is your own brain. The amygdala is the part of the brain programmed to keep you safe at all costs, and this means finding ways to stop you doing dangerous things; such as being creative. 

Back in the days of sabre-tooth tigers, avoiding danger was probably a plus for the survival of the species. Today, however, there isn’t much out there which threatens your safety in the same way, so your amygdala will sabotage you from doing anything it sees as a threat to your current state and keep you in your comfort zone. 

Over the years, humans have developed sophisticated methods of self-sabotage, and we can usually talk ourselves out of doing what will benefit us in the long run, in exchange for comfort now. The brain is an incredible asset when used appropriately, but it can also trick us if we don’t understand it.

Some common ways humans self-sabotage include: overthinking, over-planning, perfectionism, distraction and procrastination. However your creative blocks show up; your best work will only get done if you can clear out the saboteurs from your mind. 

In today’s podcast episode, you will discover:
  • Five ways to clear your creative blocks
  • Why you should take tiny imperfect action steps
  • How to tell if you are overthinking, over-planning, a perfectionist, constantly distracted, or a procrastinator
  • Why your brain is sabotaging you
  • How you can identify if you have a creative block, even if you don't think you do
  • Strategies for clearing all of your creative blocks
  • How to get clear on what blocks you in particular
  • The importance of getting clear on what your brain is trying to tell you.
Resources from this episode


1. Summon the Content Genie → The Content Genie™ is my easy-to-use framework, tool, and workshop that teaches you how to create better weekly content consistently. And the best part? It repurposes the content for you instantly!! Only $27

2. Creative Funnel Formula  → This self-study course takes you step-by-step through building your first opt-in (or sales) funnel. Use the code: SPARKS for a 40% discount

3. Funnelancing → Schedule a one-hour virtual Zoom session with Dominique to review your business segment, discuss specific strategies, or set business goals. Book your one-hour session here.


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