Episode 36. How to fill your topic buckets

Oct 22, 2020

EPISODE 36: Topic buckets are groups of things you like to post about, create work about, blog or podcast about. They can be completely unrelated at first. You can create your own unique niche by combining them in creative ways.
By getting clear on what you're passionate about and what you want to be known for, you can begin to craft your own niche in a very crowded marketplace, whilst also making sure you keep your creative juices flowing.
In episode 35 of the podcast, we looked at ways to overlap your interests to create your unique niche.
For many creatives, they really start to find their unique creative voice when they get clear on the topics they are known for or are passionate about. Think about the things you loved as a child. Think about an area where you have unique expertise. Think about a weird collection of things you can combine together to make a unique new thing. What are you obsessed with? What hobbies do you have? What could you talk about all day long?
In today's podcast we have a handy exercise to help you combine your topic buckets with personality lenses to develop a robust content strategy which can be repurposed for social media, blog posts, and a variety of content types, like this example below for our vegan chef.
In today’s podcast episode, you will discover:
  • Why you should combine parts of your personality with your topics
  • How to choose your core topics
  • Why your focus should be on flavouring your content with your personality 
  • How you can combine interests and passions
  • Strategies for developing a robust content strategy 
  • How to get the most out of your topic mix
  • The importance of a content strategy.
Resources from this episode


1. Summon the Content Genie → The Content Genie™ is my easy-to-use framework, tool, and workshop that teaches you how to create better weekly content consistently. And the best part? It repurposes the content for you instantly!! Only $27

2. Creative Funnel Formula  → This self-study course takes you step-by-step through building your first opt-in (or sales) funnel. Use the code: SPARKS for a 40% discount

3. Funnelancing → Schedule a one-hour virtual Zoom session with Dominique to review your business segment, discuss specific strategies, or set business goals. Book your one-hour session here.


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